Sunday 7 March 2010

Double Darkroom Exposures


  1. ohhh i love these, there beautiful. man i should get back in darkroom x x

  2. Eleanor,

    So you're doing these in the darkroom? Have you tried multi exposing in the camera itself? It's a really intuitive way of working as you have less control over the final image...


  3. Oh and please have a look at my mentor's work:
    especially the 'Morte Vivant' series


  4. URGH - Just wrote a long reply and then had it all deleted by my web browser!
    Seriously. Not impressed.

    Anyway... yeah, I really enjoyed choosing which negatives to use together for this series, but I'd love to have the surprise of multi-exposing directly on the camera. I've never done it before as I'm not really sure how to go about it!
    Would you shoot a whole film, rewind it and then shoot again for a second time? Or just do that separately for each frame??

    Sorry, I checked out that site but it was all in German...gave up trying to understand :( it did look interesting though.

    Eleanor x
