Wednesday 19 May 2010


Sorry, this post is pretty self-indulgent - literally MADE these epic creations very recently for two birthday people, obviously needed some photographic evidence...
Top one was for my boyfriend's birthday - recipe by Nigella Lawson here. Dahling, mmm - could probably induce a seizure from the amount of sugar, chocolate, butter, cream, eggs, cream, chocolate, butter and chocolate in that thing - it's currently in the freezer cos we couldn't handle all of it, beaten by a pudding! Never thought I'd see the day. Keep calm though, things have improved - it's evolved slightly and now makes a damn incredible piece of ice cream brownie cake, woohoo.
Anyway, bottom one was a chocolate orange cake for my Granny's 80th :) Another Nigella recipe actually, but she completely doesn't care for cutting out any of the good stuff, so y'know... Not exactly healthy, but properly delicious. That's really all you need out of a birthday cake :)

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